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Valve control innovations for cruise ships and tugs

article picture: Valve control innovations for cruise ships and tugs

First successful connection of Pusher Tug "CALYPSO" and Ice Breaker Bow "SAIMAA" on February 29, 2020

Located in Naantali in southwestern Finland, ACM-Trading Ltd. has designed and supplied maritime automation and engineering solutions since 1969. The company’s latest valve control innovations can be applied to ship instrumentation, as well as various types of tug and barge coupling systems.

The business idea of ACM-Trading is based on remote-controlled valves with electro-hydraulic actuators, manufactured by Pleiger Marinenbau in Germany.

”These types of valves are utilised for high-grade control systems for modern ships, including all cruise liners currently being built by Finnish shipyards,” says Mr. Kari Laiho, CEO for ACMTrading Ltd.

Valve control can be applied to modern marine instrumentation, such as measuring of tank contents. Interface units consisting of valve control modules can be operated by on-board computer systems.

Another innovation for electro-hydraulic valves is a coupling system for detachable ice-breaking bow assemblies, converting tugboats into temporary-duty icebreakers.

”A pilot project for this system will be tested at Lake Saimaa in Finland from March 2020 onwards. The bow assembly is coupled to the tug by utilising an electro-hydraulic system, plus connection rods of fortified steel,” Mr. Laiho explains.

”After installation, the tugboat will be able to keep waterways open throughout the winter. Inside the bow assembly, two aggregates will generate power for twin propellers equipped with diesel-electric transmission.”

Furthermore, ACM-Trading’s range of ATB (Articulated Tug & Barge) coupling systems can be used for various inland, coastal and offshore applications, including mobile barge-based LNG fueling stations.

More information:

Text by Ari Mononen

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