Wärtsilä Corporation has opened its new technology centre in Vaasa, on the west coast of Finland. Named the Sustainable Technology Hub (STH), the new centre will concentrate its efforts to advance the global decarbonisation in the fields of marine and energy technologies.
Global plague, followed by the winds of war? The marine industry has had a rather unusual couple of years. For the most part, the industry is united in fighting COVID and condemning Russian aggression in Ukraine.
M/S Finneco I – the first of Finnlines three new hybrid ro-ro vessels – was delivered on 28 April 2022 from the Jinling shipyard. The new ship will start operations in June, at first on the Bay of Biscay route between Kotka and Bilbao. The two other hybrid Finneco ships will soon follow as they, too, are ready for delivery to Finnlines in early summer of 2022.
Cruise lines and cruise ferries were seriously affected by Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns and other restrictions, but some glints of a better future can already be seen on the horizon. Numbers of cruise ship passengers are gradually showing signs of increasing. Even so, theres still a long way to go.
In days gone by, Jules Vernes literary heroes managed to travel around the globe in 80 days. To celebrate the end of the pandemic (hopefully, at least) in 2023, the cruise line Royal Caribbean intends to break the record in a different way, offering a 9-month around-theworld luxury cruise. Finland will be one of the countries along the itinerary.
Networking edge and innovation spirit have sustained the local companies for ages – and theyre just getting started
The increasingly strong, effective and productive collaboration between Italian Trade Agency and IMM-CarraraFiere will bring to Seatec-Compotec 100 international buyers from 25 countries and a delegation of foreign journalists from 6 countries. The panel of conferences will be focused on technologies for reducing emissions for a better environment, on tourism port systems and Cyber Security and on the situation of refitting in the Mediterranean area.
RMC began building its second multi-purpose corvette.
10 years old Meyer Turku aims for carbon-neutral shipbuilding
Signwell 30 years knowledge of maritime safety signage systems
Auramarine ammonia fuel system
Cafitesse filter coffee brewing system – the cost efficient and sustainable way to serve good coffee at sea
Star of the Seas launched at the Meyer Turku shipyard
RMC collaborates with its client to build car and passenger ferries for Tasmanias challenging sea conditions
Navigating the Future: Finlands Maritime Industry at a turning point
Advanced hybrid technology for passenger ferry M/V Eloise
Simply Iconic
Almost 80 years of ship supplying history
Wind powers vessels
Driving sustainability via pipeline system excellence
Targeting green innovations
Lucky Seven
Eye on green innovation
Canada to the rescue
The Green Grail of the Seven Seas
Blue ocean strategy requires green core
Green Wave Rising
Marine InnovationTargets Emissions
Turn the Tide
After the Storm
Sign of the tides
Modern Metal Machining Service
Wind Powers Marine Research
Varuna Sentinels BV is selected to provide IHM maintenance services for Hapag-Lloyd vessels
IMO 2020 sulphur limit implementation
Less Weight is More Efficiency
Meriturva is Safety by Training
Valve control innovations for cruise ships and tugs
High-grade furniture for the cruise ships
Certified ceilings for shipbuilding
Seatec prepares its 2019 edition:
Champion door's Special doors for Shipyards
Hydraulics and electrification of machineries are the specialties of Averfin Oy
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of connecting the European cruise community
Protacon hybridizes maritime industries to meet EU goals
Fold-up doors designed to withstand extreme conditions